
La Moye Golf Club

Path to Full Playing Membership

Full Playing Membership enables full access to our Championship golf course and to all Clubhouse facilities at La Moye. There is currently a waiting list for both ladies and gentlemen Full Playing categories. Waiting list category members have rights equal to those of Social membership but with increasing added benefits.

The path to Full Playing Membership comprises three stages, details of which are set out below. Whilst on the waiting list we encourage you to use your Social Membership by making the most of our excellent Clubhouse facilities. 

Stage 1: Social With Golf Interest

This is the first step to a Full Playing Membership which gives you restricted access to the golf course alongside all the benefits of Social Membership. 

The annual Social with Golf Interest subscription is £463.63

Entry onto the men’s and ladies' lists are open; please apply using the form below:

Membership Application

Stage 2: Social Awaiting Playing

This second step to full playing membership builds on the previous category, with the addition of significantly reduced green fees and the ability to play in some Club competitions.

The annual Social Awaiting Playing subscription is £1019.98

Stage 3: Full Playing

This is the Full Playing Membership category, which includes full voting rights.

An entrance fee of three times the annual subscription is payable, this is split into three payments;

  • First payment due on joining the Social with Golf Interest category
  • Second payment due on upgrade to Social Awaiting Playing
  • Third and final payment due on upgrade to Full Playing Membership
The annual Full Playing subscription is £1854.53

Entrance Fees

An entrance fee of three times the annual subscription is payable, and is split into three payments;

  • First payment due on joining the Social with Golf Interest category
  • Second payment due on upgrade to Social Awaiting Playing
  • Third and final payment due on upgrade to Full Playing Membership

There are also a number of routes to membership via our Special Entry Scheme, please contact for more details.

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